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Volumetric screw feeders
Highly accurate volumetric screw feeders are the best feeding solution for dry material metering needs. There are four types of highly accurate volumetric screw feeders used widely in the industry production.

Highly accurate volumetric screw feeders

Volumetric screw feeders types:
The Quick Change Volumetric Screw Feeder
The FlexFeed Volumetric Screw Feeder
The Sanitary FlexFeed Volumetric Screw Feeder
The Hardsided Volumetric Screw Feeder

In addition to the volumetric screw feeders, high accurate gravimetric screw feeder also is the hot product for industry production.

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Batte is a loss in weight feeder manufacturer, supplying loss in weight feeder, volumetric feeders, and metering feeders.