
Find Best Automatic Loss In Weight Metering Screw Feeder Supplier on Alibaba Automatic Loss In Weight Feeder Supplier Directory. Source Top Quality Automatic Loss In Weight Feeder.
Loss In Weight Metering Screw Feeder also known as Volumetric Feeder is designed to continuously meter all materials from flushing powders to fibrous particulate products at a constant volume to high accuracies. The basic feeder consists of a Rospen designed, unique tapered conditioning chamber, complete with a slow rotation agitator and variable control functions, which provides timed on /off settings, constant or intermittent operation, to suit the nature of the products being handled.
Loss In Weight Metering Screw Feeder Features
1 Simple structure, uniform feeding, continuous performance, adjustable exciting force.
2 Subject to change and control flow, easy to operate, can be evenly adjusted to the amount of ore.
3 Low noise, low power consumption, good regulating performance, without clogging phenomenon.
Batte is a loss in weight feeder manufacturer, supplying loss in weight feeder, volumetric feeders, and metering feeders.